Alabama State Agencies

Report work-related cyber security incident information to your agency Information Security Office (ISO). If your agency does not have an ISO, please report all potential security incidents to the Office of Information Technology (OIT) Service Desk at 334-242-2222 or
The following information should be included when reporting a cyber incident:

  • Incident description
  • Personnel name reporting incident
  • Date, time, and method of incident discovery
  • Number of systems or sites involved in incident
  • Incident response actions taken to secure or possibly restore the system or data



Businesses may have specific incident response and reporting procedures, and those procedures should take precedence over the information provided here.


Internet-related crimes should be reported to law enforcement authorities at the appropriate level (local, state, federal, international) depending on the nature and scope of the crime. Reported incidents assist law enforcement entities as they search for connections and trending patterns among cases, crimes, and victims.

Links to Organizations

The following organizations accept and investigate reports of possible Internet-based crimes:

Disclaimer: These links are provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed to represent State of Alabama policy or Law, nor do they represent any endorsement that the State of Alabama favors the services performed by these organizations over any other organization offering similar services.